Update following the publication by GME of the procedure for the annual and multi-year auctions

Following the publication of the procedure for annual and multi-year auctions on the GME website, OLT updates the calendar for the continuous capacity auctions from Gas Year 2019/2020 to Gas Year 2033/2034. Click here to view the page

Publication of the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity, with relation to annual and multi-year allocation

Following Resolution 234/2019/R/gas of the ARERA, OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes on its website the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity, with relation to annual and multi-year allocation processes. The Applicants shall sign the capacity commitments and provide adequate financial guarantees in compliance with the...

The available capacity for the annual and multi-year allocation is now online

The available regasification capacity for the allocation from Gas Year 2019/2020 to Gas Year 2033/2034 has been published in the business area of OLT’s website. Click here to view the page

Update on the publication of criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana informs that, following the communication of the ARERA prot. n. 0014395 of May 31st, 2019, the publication of the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price provided by art. 7.5 of TIRG will be postponed until new disposition of the Authority or, in its absence, by June 15th, 2019.

The available capacity for the multi-year allocation is now online

The Continuous Capacity available for allocation from the  Gas Year 2024/2025 to the Gas Year 2028/2029 has been published on the business area of OLT’s website. The Applicants shall sign the capacity commitments and provide adequate financial guarantees in compliance with the form published by OLT within May 28th 2019, pursuant to Clause of...

Update of the Planned Service Reduction Schedule

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana informs that on the business area of its website is now available the updated Planned Service Reduction Schedule. Click here to view the page

The tender Procedure for natural gas auctioning is now available

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. informs that the tender Procedure for the auctioning of an amount of natural gas equal to 60,000 MWh is now available on the business area of OLT's website. The documents to participate to the tender shall be presented between 9:00 and 12:00 CET on March 18th, 2019, according to the conditions...

The available capacity for the multi-year allocation with expression of interest is now online

The Continuous Capacity available for allocation from the  Gas Year 2024/2025 to the Gas Year 2033/2034, as per Clause of the Regasification Code, has been published on the business area of OLT’s website. By April 1st, 2019 each interested party may send to OLT  an expression of interest for one or more Gas Years...

The available capacity related to the capacity products offered during the Gas Year is now online

The capacity products offered from April 2019 up to September 2019 are  now available in the business area of OLT's website. Each Applicant who meets the Service Conditions under Clause 2.1.1 of the Regasification Code shall: sign a Capacity Agreement pursuant to Clause 2.1.10 of the Regasification Code; provide adequate financial guarantees pursuant to Clause

Update of Annex 8 of the Regasification Code

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana informs that an update of Annex 8 of the Regasification Code is now available in the business area of its website. This new version implements the dispositions on the chemical and physical characteristics of gas as per the Decree of the Ministry of the Economic Development, issued on May, 18th 2018....