OLT publish an update of annual and multi-year auctions with expression of interest

In the annual and multi-year allocation process with expression of interest of the last June 10th, 34 slots of 155,000 liqcm were allocated in each Gas Year from 2023/2024 to 2026/2027. Moreover, all the capacity still available for the Gas Year 2022/2023, equal to 33 155,000 liqcm slots, has been allocated by the awardee through...

Publication of the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity, with relation to annual and multi-year allocation and Procedure to request the extension of the allocation

Following Resolution 240/2022/R/Gas of the ARERA, OLT publishes on its website the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity, with relation to annual and multi-year allocation processes. The Procedure to request the extension of the allocation of Product 1 concerning GGYY 2023/2024 - 2026/2027 is also...

The available Continuous Capacity for the annual multi-year allocation with expression of interest is now online

The products in which the Continuous Capacity is made available for annual multi-year allocation with expression of interest from Gas Year 2022/2023 to Gas Year 2032/2033 has been published in the business area of OLT’s website. Click here to view the page

An update related to the multi-year allocation process with expression of interest is now online

An update related to the multi-year allocation process with expression of interest for the Gas Year 2021/2022 has been published in the business area of OLT’s website. In particular, based on the expressions of interest received and submitted to ARERA and the subsequent communication received by the latter - which intends to assess possible modifications...

An update of the calendar for the capacity allocation for the current gas year is now online

OLT publishes, in the business area of its website, a change to the calendar of the current Gas Year 2021/2022 following the update of the Annual Unloading and Loading Schedule. A further monthly allocation will be held on April 13th, 2022. Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code, the Applicants shall sign the capacity...

The available capacity for the allocation during the Gas Year from May 2022 to the end of the Gas Year is now online

The Available Delivery Slots for the allocation of the regasification capacity during the Gas Year – from May 2022 to the end of the Gas Year – have been published in the business area of OLT’s website. Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code, within and not later than 12:00 CET, March 30th, 2022,...

Clarification on the multi-year allocation with expression of interest is now online

 22 March 2022 With reference to the multiyear allocation process with expression of interest related to the Continuous Capacity available from the second to the twenty-fifth Gas Year following the one in which the allocation is carried on –  e.g. from Gas Year 2023/2024 to Gas Year 2033/2034 – OLT is available to receive expressions...

The available capacity for the annual and multi-year allocation with expression of interest is now online

 15 March 2022 Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code approved by ARERA on 02/11/2021 with resolution 474/2021/R/Gas the available regasification capacity for the allocation from Gas Year 2023/2024 to Gas Year 2033/2034 – for the purpose of the annual and multiyear allocation process with expression of interest has been published in the business...

The available capacity for the allocation during the Gas Year from April 2022 to the end of the Gas Year is now online

The Available Delivery Slots for the allocation of the regasification capacity during the Gas Year – from April 2022 to the end of the Gas Year – have been published in the business area of OLT’s website. Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code, within and not later than 12:00 CET, February 25th, 2022,...

The available capacity for the spot allocation related to the Month of March 2022 is now online

The Available Delivery Slots for the spot allocation of regasification capacity related to the Month of March has been published in the business area of OLT’s website. Each Applicant who meets the Service Conditions under Clause 2.1.1 of the Regasification Code shall: sign a Capacity Agreement pursuant to Clause 2.1.10 of the Regasification Code; provide...