Online the documents for the Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year from January 2018 to the end of the Gas Year
In the business area of the OLT website are now available the documents for the allocation of the regasification capacity during the Gas Year fromJanuary 2018 to the end of the Gas Year. The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be in compliance with the Access Request Form published by OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A....
Launch of the consultation on the proposal to amend the Regasification Code
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana informs that starting from 4th December 2017 it is possible to consult by clicking here, the proposal to amend the Regasification Code transposing resolution 660/2017/R/gas, published on 28th September 2017 - which introduces auction-based mechanism for the allocation of regasification capacity. Comments to the Regasification Code may be sent by 14th...
OLT launches the consultation of the Regasification Code following the implementation of Resolution 660/2017/R/Gas.
OLT launches the consultation of the Regasification Code following the implementation of Resolution 660/2017/R/Gas. Click here to view the page
Conclusion of the tender for the Peak Shaving service 2017-2018
The most interesting articles issued on OLT Offshore LNG Toscana about the conclusion of the tender for the Peak Shaving service of the “FSRU Toscana” Terminal.
The tender for the Peak Shaving service of the Terminal “FSRU Toscana” was awarded
Livorno, 22nd November 2017 - The tender launched on November 7th by OLT Offshore LNG Toscana for the Terminal "FSRU Toscana", open to all the operators in the LNG market, was successfully concluded with the awarding of the Peak Shaving service. The company that has been awarded the service will provide Snam Rete Gas with...
Peak Shaving Service 2017/2018
The most interesting articles issued on OLT Offshore LNG Toscana about the launch of the tender for the Peak Shaving service of the “FSRU Toscana” Terminal.
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana launches the tender for the Peak Shaving service of the Terminal “FSRU Toscana”
Livorno, November 7th 2017 - The company OLT Offshore LNG Toscana announces the launch of the tender for the Peak Shaving service for the fifth consecutive year. Starting from 7th November to 22nd November it will be possible to view and download from the website of the company ( all the documents necessary to participate...
Tender procedure for the identification of third parties available to provide LNG for the Peak Shaving service during the winter period of the Gas Year 2017/2018
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. provides to the Responsible of the Italian Gas Balancing System a temporary storage for the purposes of the Peak Shaving service through the supply of an LNG cargo delivering a quantity of LNG between 65,000 cubic meters and 110,000 cubic meters according to the terms of the contract and through...
Online the documents for the Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year from December 2017 to the end of the Gas Year
In the business area of the OLT website are now available the documents for the allocation of the regasification capacity during the Gas Year from December 2017 to the end of the Gas Year. The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be in compliance with the Access Request Form published by OLT Offshore LNG Toscana...