The project “l’Energia del Mare – fare con e per il Territorio” was launched
OLT takes a structured path of relations with the Territory
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana presented the project l’Energia del Mare - fare con e per il Territorio. It develops from the company’s willingness to strengthen and organize the existing relations with local Community, which started when company settled down in Livorno. The aim is to grow and share new social projects of interest for the...
OLT publishes the tender Procedure for natural gas auctioning
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. informs that, in the business area of its website, the tender Procedure for the auctioning of an amount of natural gas equal to 272,000 MWh is now available.
Launch of the consultation on the proposal to amend the Regasification Code
Livorno, 4th October 2019 - OLT Offshore LNG Toscana informs that starting from 4th October 2019 it is possible to consult, on the website of the company, the proposal to amend the Regasification Code previously approved by ARERA with resolution 110/2018/R/gas. The modifications include the clarifications published during the Gas Year 2018/2019 on OLT’s website...
OLT’s Terminal is working at full capacity
Livorno, 10 September 2019 – OLT Offshore LNG Toscana’s Terminal will work at 100% of its capacity: 41 slots on 41 available for the Gas Year 2019/2020 have been allocated, for a total of about 6,3 millions of cubic meters of capacity. This important result consolidates the operative outcomes reached in the last Gas Year....
First State Investments joins the OLT Board by taking over the shares of Uniper
Milan, 27th May 2019 – OLT Offshore LNG Toscana (“the Company” or “OLT”) announces that on 23rd May 2019 the Board of Directors of the Company formalised the transfer of shares held by Uniper, equal to 48.24%, to First State Investments (“First State”). The existing shareholders, Iren Group (49.07%), also through its subsidiary ASA, and...
Livorno pole for LNG
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana and Assocostieri promoters of Italian LNG Summit
On March 14th the first edition of the Italian LNG Summit was held in Livorno. A national meeting which involved the participation of the most important institutions. The workshop opened with the institutional greetings, by the the Councillor responsible for Production of Livorno, Francesca Martini. As reported by Il Tirreno, she said: “Livorno’s harbor can become a national...
Italian LNG Summit 2019
Gas drives the energy transition LNG strategic for transport
Italian LNG Summit was held in Livorno for the first time, promoted by OLT Offshore LNG Toscana and Assocostieri. The initiative was supported by the main national institutions. During the summit, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport representatives highlighted how gas in Italy will drive the energy transition. LNG,...
Job opportunity at OLT Offshore LNG Toscana
OLT is looking for a Commercial operation specialist. For further information and to apply for the position...
OLT publishes the tender Procedure for natural gas auctioning
Livorno, March 8th, 2019 – OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. informs that, in the business area of its website, the tender Procedure for the auctioning of an amount of natural gas equal to 60,000 MWh is now available. The documents to participate to the tender shall be presented between 9:00 and 12:00 CET on March...
OLT’ s Terminal is working at full capacity
Livorno, 12th February 2019 – OLT Offshore LNG Toscana Regasification Terminal is working at almost 100% of its capacity. After less than one year from the implementation of the new allocation mechanism via auction, OLT reached several important results which confirm its contribution to the Italian security and diversification of sources of supply, in line...