Firm Regasification Services

  • Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year

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    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year in accordance with Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code.
    August 5th 2014

    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code, OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. (“OLT”) publishes the available regasification capacity to be allocated in Delivery Slots for the Gas Year already commenced, for the month of September 2014:

    The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be in compliance with the Access Request Form here below attached and received within and not later than 12:00 CET on August 11th 2014 as defined in Article c ) of the Access Code.

    Access Request must be sent by courier or registered letter to the address herein below or by fax to the number +390586210922 and anticipated, in any case, by email to the following email address:

    OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A.
    Palazzo Orlando, Via Gaetano D’Alesio 2
    57126 Livorno
    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year
    Att. Mr. Alberto Ton

    If the Access Request is sent by fax only, the original one must be sent to OLT as soon as possible. Within August 12th 2014, OLT will proceed with the allocation of Delivery Slots in accordance with the requests received .

    In case two or more requests concerning the same Delivery Slot are received, the Delivery Slot will be allocated on the basis of the priorities rules set out in Clause 2.1.9 of the Access Code. In relation to the Delivery Slots allocated, OLT will apply the regasification tariff approved on an interim and temporary basis by the AEEGIS for the year 2014.

    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year in accordance with Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code.
    July 3rd 2014

    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code, OLT publishes the available regasification capacity for the allocation of Delivery Slot for the Gas Year starting from the month of August 2014 until the end of the Gas Year 2013-2014:

    The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be received within and not later than 12:00 pm on July 9th 2014. Users interested in the available Delivery Slots can issue a Request Form, here attached, to OLT as defined in Article c ) of the Access Code.

    Access Request has to be sent by courier or registered letter to the address herein below or by fax to the number +390586210922 and anticipated in any case by email to the following email address:

    OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A.
    Palazzo Orlando, Via Gaetano D’Alesio 2
    57126 Livorno
    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year
    Att. Eng. Alberto Ton

    If the Access Request is sent by fax, the original one must be sent to OLT as soon as possible. By June 11th 2014, OLT will proceed with the allocation of Delivery Slots in accordance with the requests received.

    If OLT received two or more requests concerning the same Delivery Slot, this would be allocated on the basis of the priorities set out in Clause 2.1.9 of the Access Code. In relation to the Delivery Slots allocated, OLT will apply the regasification tariff approved on an interim and temporary basis by the AEEG for the year 2014.

    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year in accordance with Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code.
    June 5th 2014

    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code, OLT publishes the available regasification capacity for the allocation of Delivery Slot for the Gas Year starting from the month of July 2014 until the end of the Gas Year 2013-2014.

    The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be received within and not later than 12:00 pm on June 11th 2014. Users interested in the available Delivery Slots can issue a Request Form, here attached, to OLT as defined in Article c ) of the Access Code.

    Access Request has to be sent by courier or registered letter to the address herein below or by fax to the number +390586210922 and anticipated in any case by email to the following email address:

    OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A.
    Palazzo Orlando, Via Gaetano D’Alesio 2
    57126 Livorno
    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year
    Att. Eng. Alberto Ton

    If the Access Request is sent by fax, the original one must be sent to OLT as soon as possible. By June 13rd 2014, OLT will proceed with the allocation of Delivery Slots in accordance with the requests received .

    If OLT received two or more requests concerning the same Delivery Slot, this would be allocated on the basis of the priorities set out in Clause 2.1.9 of the Access Code. In relation to the Delivery Slots allocated, OLT will apply the regasification tariff approved on an interim and temporary basis by the AEEG for the year 2014.

    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year in accordance with Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code
    May 6th 2014

    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code, OLT publishes the available regasification capacity for the allocation of Delivery Slot for the Gas Year starting from the month of June 2014 until the end of the Gas Year 2013-2014

    The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be received within and not later than 12:00 pm on May 12nd 2014. Users interested in the available Delivery Slots can issue a Request Form, here attached, to OLT as defined in Article c ) of the Access Code.

    Access Request has to be sent by courier or registered letter to the address herein below or by fax to the number +390586210922 and anticipated in any case by email to the following email address:

    OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A.
    Palazzo Orlando, Via Gaetano D’Alesio 2
    57126 LivornoAllocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year
    Att. Eng. Alberto Ton

    If the Access Request is sent by fax, the original one must be sent to OLT as soon as possible. By May 14th2014, OLT will proceed with the allocation of Delivery Slots in accordance with the requests received .

    If OLT received two or more requests concerning the same Delivery Slot, this would be allocated on the basis of the priorities set out in Clause 2.1.9 of the Access Code. In relation to the Delivery Slots allocated, OLT will apply the regasification tariff approved on an interim and temporary basis by the AEEG for the year 2014.

    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year in accordance with Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code.
    April 3rd2014

    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code, OLT publishes the available regasification capacity for the allocation of Delivery Slot for the Gas Year starting from the month of May 2014 until the end of the Gas Year 2013-2014

    The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be received within and not later than 12:00 pm on April 9th 2014. Users interested in the available Delivery Slots can issue a Request Form, here attached, to OLT as defined in Article c ) of the Access Code.

    Access Request has to be sent by courier or registered letter to the address herein below or by fax to the number +390586210922 and anticipated in any case by email to the following email address:

    OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A.
    Palazzo Orlando, Via Gaetano D’Alesio 2
    57126 Livorno
    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year
    Att. Eng. Alberto Ton

    If the requests for access is sent by fax, the original one must be sent to OLT as soon as possible.

    If the Access Request is sent by fax, the original one must be sent to OLT as soon as possible.By April 11th 2014, OLT will proceed with the allocation of Delivery Slots in accordance with the requests received .

    If OLT received two or more requests concerning the same Delivery Slot, this would be allocated on the basis of the priorities set out in Clause 2.1.9 of the Access Code. In relation to the Delivery Slots allocated, OLT will apply the regasification tariff approved on an interim and temporary basis by the AEEG for the year 2014.

    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year in accordance with Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code.
    February 5th 2014

    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code, OLT publishes the available regasification capacity for the allocation of Delivery Slot during the Gas Year.

    The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be received within and not later than 12:00 pm on February 11th 2014. Users interested in the available Delivery Slots can issue a Request Form, here attached, to OLT as defined in Article c ) of the Access Code.

    By February 13, 2014, OLT will allocate the available Delivery Slots.

    Allocation of Delivery Slots during the Gas Year in accordance with Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code.
    January 7th 2014

    Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.1.9 of the Access Code, OLT publishes the available regasification capacity for the allocation of Delivery Slot during the Gas Year.

    The Access Request for Delivery Slots must be received within and not later than 12:00 pm on January 13th 2014. Users interested in the available Delivery Slots can issue a Request Form, here attached, to OLT as defined in Article c ) of the Access Code.

    By January 15th, 2014, OLT will allocate the available Delivery Slots.



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