Annual and multi-year allocation


Publication of the calendar for the planning of the Delivery slots for Gas Year 2020/2021

Pursuant to Clause of the  Regasification Code, following the publication of GME, OLT Offshore LNG Toscana makes available the calendar for the planning of the Delivery slots for the Gas Year 2020/2021.

The planning will be carried out through the PAR Platform and will be open to any awardee of capacity for Gas Year 2020/2021.

The full calendar is available here below.



Following the publication occurred on June 15th, 2020 related to the  Continuous Capacity available from the first to the fifteenth Gas Year following the one in which the allocation is carried on –  e.g. from Gas Year 2020/2021 to Gas Year 2033/2034 – OLT hereby informs that the annual and multi-years capacity auctions without expression of interest will be held in compliance with the provisions of Clause of the Regasification Code.

The full calendar is available here below.

In addition, as communicated by the GME on June 18th, 2020, blank test sessions for the interested users are scheduled on PAR platform from June 24th to 26th, 2020. For any further information, please refer to the GME’s website.



Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes the Continuous Capacity available from the first to the fifteenth Gas Year following the one in which the allocation is carried on –  e.g. from Gas Year 2020/2021 to Gas Year 2033/2034 – for the purpose of the annual and multi-year allocation process without expression of interest.

Within June 26th, 2020 each Applicant that meets the Service Conditions shall:

  • sign the capacity commitments in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2.1.7 of the Regasification Code;
  • provide adequate financial guarantees in accordance with the provisions of Clause of the Regasification Code.

In order to participate in the capacity allocation, the Applicant must be eligible to operate on the Regasification Auction Platform in accordance with the relevant rules.

The Capacity Agreement must be sent by email: PEC address


Clarification about CT coefficient – Unitary cost associated to the allocation and to the use of regasification capacity paid by the user

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana, following clarifications with the ARERA regarding the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of continuous regasification capacity published on May 8th 2020 in compliance with Resolution 157/2020/R/GAS, informs that the CT coefficient must include also the fee to cover the costs related to the Emission Trading system, that is the CETS and the variable tariff to cover costs for the availability of and the strategic storage fee, CST.

Clarification on the guarantee to cover the commitments related to the multi-year capacity allocation

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana, with reference to Clause of the Regasification Code and in relation to the allocation capacity following the multi-year allocation processes, clarifies that Users can submit an effective Bank Guarantee until January 31st following the last Gas Year for which they have been awarded regasification capacity providing for an automatic renewal from year to year if within one hundred and twenty days before the end of every Gas Year object of allocation has not received termination/notice from the bank institution or the society of the group of the User.

It being understood that the non-renewal of the guarantee within this deadline constitutes immediate loss of the requirements for access to the system pursuant to the Regasification Code. Failure to restore the guarantee shall result in the termination of the Capacity Agreement in accordance with Chapter 5.3 of the Regasification Code.


Publication of the calendar for annual and multi-years capacity auctions with expression of interest and a clarification on the financial guarantees to be presented

Following the communication of April 30th, 2020 OLT publishes here below the calendar for the continuous capacity auctions with expression of interest to be held from  May 27 and a clarification on the financial guarantees to be presented for participation in the allocation processes through the PAR Platform.

Auction date Product Opening Closure Result
May 27th 2020 Product 1 Gas Years 2023/2024 – 2032/2033 with 155,000 Delivery Slot 9,00 10,00 10,30
May 27th 2020 Product 2 Gas Years 2023/2024 – 2032/2033 with 180,000 Delivery Slot 11,30 12,30 13,00
May 27th 2020 Product 3 Gas Years 2023/2024 – 2024/2025 extendable for up to Gas Year 2032/2033 with 155,000 Delivery Slot 14,00 15,00 15,30
May 27th 2020 Product 4 Gas Years 2023/2024 – 2024/2025 extendable for up to Gas Year 2032/2033 with 180,000 Delivery Slot 16,30 17,30 18,00
May 28th 2020 Product 5 Gas Years 2021/2022 e 2022/2023 with 155,000 Delivery Slot 9,00 10,30 11,15
May 28th 2020 Product 5 Gas Years 2021/2022 e 2022/2023 with 155,000 Delivery Slot 12,15 13,45 14,30
May 28th 2020 Product 5 Gas Years 2021/2022 e 2022/2023 with 155,000 Delivery Slot 15,30 17,00 17,45
May 29th 2020 Product 6 Gas Years 2021/2022 e 2022/2023 with 180,000 Delivery Slot 9,00 10,30 11,15
May 29th 2020 Product 6 Gas Years 2021/2022 e 2022/2023 with 180,000 Delivery Slot 12,15 13,45 14,30
May 29th 2020 Product 6 Gas Years 2021/2022 e 2022/2023 with 180,000 Delivery Slot 15,30 17,00 17,45

In accordance with Article 61 of the PAR Rules, operators present to the regasification company financial guarantees in the manner and terms indicated in their regasification code.

In this regard we would like to point out to interested parties that, as foreseen in parag. of Technical Operating Provision No. 12 rev04, the GME during adequacy checks of the offer verify that the highest of all countervalues (hereinafter also “maximum countervalue”) of the individual purchase proposals of the offer (calculated, each, as [number of slots subject to purchase offer* indicated at a given Price level* (Price level5 expressed in €/m3liq + ancillary charges expressed in €/m3liq)* Slot capacity expressed in m3l] does not exceed the participant’s available guarantee, otherwise, the entire offer (made up of the set of individual purchase proposals submitted at different price levels) is rejected.

For further information, please visit the GME website.


OLT Offshore LNG Toscana, pursuant to resolution 157/2020/R/Gas approved by ARERA on May 5th, 2020, publishes the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity, with relation to annual and multi-year allocation processes.

OLT makes also available in the Operational Management section a document containing the rules for discharge of a 180,000 lcm slot.



As provided for 2020, notwithstanding Clause of the Regasification Code, OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes here below the available Continuous Capacity, in a manner which conforms as far as possible to the expressions of interest received.

Within May 25th, 2020 each Applicant that meets the Service Conditions shall:

  • sign the capacity commitments in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2.1.7 of the Regasification Code;
  • provide adequate financial guarantees in accordance with the provisions of Clause of the Regasification Code.

In order to participate in the capacity allocation, the Applicant must be eligible to operate on the Regasification Auction Platform in accordance with the relevant rules. As communicated  by the GME on April 27th, 2020, blank test sessions are scheduled on May 11th and 12th 2020 on PAR Platform.

The offers can be presented through the PAR from May 27th, 2020 for the allocation procedure of regasification capacity offered both in 155,000 m3liq and 180,000 m3liq capacity slots. This capacity will be offered as below:

  • a product concerning Gas Years 2023/2024 – 2032/2033;
  • a product concerning Gas Years 2023/2024 – 2024/2025 with the possibility to request, after the award, the extension to the Gas Year 2032/2033. Pursuant to Clause, such request cannot concern less than five consecutive Gas Years starting from the Gas Year 2023/2024;
  • a product concerning Gas Years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023.



Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code approved by ARERA on 24/03/2020 with resolution 85/2020/R/Gas and currently in force, OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes the Continuous Capacity available from the second to the fifteenth Gas Year following the one in which the allocation is carried on –  e.g. from Gas Year 2021/2022 to Gas Year 2033/2034 – for the purpose of the multiyear allocation process with expression of interest.

The expressions of interest must be sent by April 14th, 2020 to the address here below:

email –

PEC address –



OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. informs that the Regasification Code put in consultation on October 4th, 2019 has been approved by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA) with Resolution 85/2020/R/Gas on March 24th, 2020. The updated version of the document is available here.

One of the key changes introduced regards the possibility to send one or more expressions of interest for annual and multi-year regasification capacity from the 2nd Gas Year until the 15th Gas Year following the one in which the allocation is carried.

Notwithstanding Clause of the Regasification Code, for this year annual and multi-year allocation process with expression of interest will have the dates set out below.

Following the publication of the continuous capacity available on the OLT website on April 1st2020, each interested party may send an expression of interest to OLT (Annex 1 of the Regasification Code) by  April 14th, 2020 indicating the capacity of interest expressed in the number of Slots of Discharge and regasification capacity associated with them for each Gas Year and in accordance with the following criteria:

  •   request shall concern consecutive gas years;
  •   the first gas year cannot be after the sixth one;
  •   cover at least five years, if one gas year is between the sixth and the fifteenth ones;
  •   cover at least two gas years, if the gas years are all between the second and the fifth ones.

According to the expressions of interest received, OLT will prepare a proposal to the Authority for the capacity offer as part of the subsequent allocation process, in accordance with the following criteria:

  • one or more capacity products are identified by the Gas Year from which the capacity service starts and by the number of Gas Years contiguous for which regasification capacity is made available;
  • the regasification capacity offered and eventually awarded for each product will be the same in all Gas Years to which the product refers;
  • each product is defined with the aim of maximize the value of the allocated capacity, taking into account, for the purpose of starting, the interest shown for products of at least two consecutive Gas Years in the period up to the fifth Gas Year following the allocation year, and at least five consecutive Gas Years from the sixth Gas Year successive the allocation year onwards, taking into account, for the duration, consistency with the development of long-term import projects, in accordance with Article 5 of the TIRG.

Following such verification with the Authority, by  April 30th, 2020, OLT will publish the Continuing Capacity making it available in a way that is as consistent as possible with any expressions of interest received.

The offers can be presented through the PAR, from 09:00 CET to 14:30 CET starting from May 27th, 2020.



Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code approved by ARERA on 01/03/2018 with resolution 110/2018/R/Gas and currently in force, OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes the Continuous Capacity available for allocation from the sixth to the fifteenth Gas Year following the one in which the allocation is carried on, that are from Gas Year 2025/2026 to Gas Year 2033/2034.

By April 1st, 2020 each interested party may send to OLT an expression of interest for one or more Gas Years to which the allocation procedure refers, indicating the capacity expressed in m3liq/year for each Gas Year, using Annex 1 of the Regasification Code. In  case of expressions of interest relating to several Gas Years, the interested party shall necessarily indicate an equal capacity for each Gas Year to which the expression of interest refers.

By April 30th, 2020 OLT will publish the Continuous Capacity, making it available in a manner which conforms as far as possible to the expressions of interest possibly received.

The expression of interest must be sent by courier or registered letter to the address here below:

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A.
Palazzo Orlando, Via Gaetano D’Alesio 2
57126 Livorno
Att. Michele Tosi

and anticipated, in any case, by email to and/or at the PEC address, or by fax to the number +39 0586 210922.


Annual and multi-year allocation


Clarification on the uniform distribution of Monthly Slots pursuant to article 10, paragraph 4 of TIRG

The awarded users  shall ensure that the Monthly Slots are distributed as uniformly as possible over the months of the Gas Year in compliance with clause 10, paragraph 4 of TIRG. To implement such principle the user shall notify its own preferences among the Monthly Slots placing each Monthly Slot within each part of the Gas Year as resulting by dividing the 12 months constituting the Gas Year by the number 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12, whichever is the closest, but not exceeding, the number of Monthly Slots which has been awarded. If the number of awarded Monthly Slots cannot be divided by 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12, the same operation shall be repeated with the remaining Monthly Slots until the number of remaining Monthly Slots is either zero or 1. The last remaining Monthly Slots, if any, shall be placed freely by the user.

It is understood that the preferences expressed by the users shall not result in any right upon the user with regards to the awarding of the Monthly Slots which have been notified, being a duty of the Operator to consider the preferences expressed by the users  consistently with the priority criteria under clause of the Regasification Code.

Users awarded 17 Monthly Slots: mechanism to notify the preferences.

In such case the Gas year shall be divided by 12 and then the user shall place a Monthly Slots in each month. Remaining 5 Monthly Slots the Gas Year shall be again divided by 4 and then the user shall place in each resulting quarter a further Monthly Slot. The remaining Monthly Slot can be placed freely over the entire Gas Year.


OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes here below a clarification regarding the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity, with relation to annual and multi-year allocation processes.




Following the publication of the procedure for annual and multi-year auctions on the GME website, OLT publishes here below the updated calendar for the continuous capacity auctions:

  • July 18th, 2019: Auction for the allocation of regasification capacity for Gas Year 2019/2020;
  • July 19th, 2019: Auction for the allocation of regasification capacity for Gas Year 2020/2021;
  • July 22th, 2019: Auction for the allocation of regasification capacity for Gas Year 2021/2022;
  • July 23rd, 2019: Auction for the allocation of regasification capacity for Gas Year 2022/2023 – 2033/2034;

For any other information, please refer to the GME’s website.


OLT Offshore LNG Toscana, pursuant to resolution 234/2019/R/Gas approved by ARERA on June 11th, 2019, publishes the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity, with relation to annual and multi-year allocation processes.



By 12:00 of July 15th, 2019 each Applicant shall:

  • sign the capacity commitments in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2.1.7 of the Regasification Code;
  • provide adequate financial guarantees in accordance with the provisions of Clause, covering the obligation of each year the Applicant means to bid for;
  • be eligible to operate on the Regasification Auction Platform “PAR” in accordance with the relevant rules.

The Capacity Agreement must be sent by courier or registered letter to the address here below:

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A.
Palazzo Orlando, Via Gaetano D’Alesio 2
57126 Livorno

Att. Michele Tosi

or by fax to the number +390586210922 and anticipated, in any case, by email to and/or at the PEC address

The offers shall be presented through PAR at the time and according to the same PAR.

After the conclusion of the auction, OLT will communicate the available Monthly Slot to each successful bidder. Within the third (3rd) business day after the day in which the auction took place, each successful bidder should send to OLT the relevant priority order concerning the available Monthly Slot.

The Montly Slot will be assigned to the parties awarded continuous capacity according to the priority criteria set by Clause of the Regasification Code.

It is agreed that in the selection of the Monthly Slots, the awardees shall guarantee the most regular distribution possible of such slots in the various months of the Gas Year, as set forth in article 10 paragraph 4 letter b of the TIRG.

Taking into account the priority selection of  each awardee  and their preferences, OLT will communicate the allocation of the Monthly Slots to each awardee through electronic communication, within the fifth (5th) business day after the day in which the auction took place, ensuring the most regular distribution possible of such slots in the various months in the Gas Year.


Pursuant to Clauses and of the Regasification Code, OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes here below the documents related to the regasification capacity allocation from Gas Year 2018/2019 to Gas Year 2033/2034.


Annual and multi-year allocation with expression of interest


Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code, OLT  Offshore LNG Toscana publishes here below the available Continuous Capacity, in a manner which conforms as far as possible to the expressions of interest received.

Within May 28th , 2019   each Applicant that meets the Service Conditions shall:

  • sign the capacity commitments in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2.1.7 of the Regasification Code;
  • provide adequate financial guarantees in accordance with the provisions of Clause of the Regasification Code;

The offers can be presented through the PAR, on  May 31st 2019 from 9:00 CET to 14:30 CET.




Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code, OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes the Continuous Capacity available for allocation from Gas Year 2024/2025 to Gas Year 2033/2034.

By April 1st, 2019 each interested party may send to OLT  an expression of interest for one or more Gas Years to which the allocation procedure refers, indicating the capacity expressed in m3liq/year for each Gas Year, using Annex 1 of the Regasification Code. In  case of expressions of interest relating to several Gas Years, the interested party shall necessarily indicate an equal capacity for each Gas Year to which the expression of interest refers. By April 30th, 2019 OLT will publish the Continuous Capacity, making it available in a manner which conforms as far as possible to the expressions of interest possibly received.

The expression of interest must be sent by courier or registered letter to the address here below:

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A.
Palazzo Orlando, Via Gaetano D’Alesio 2
57126 Livorno
Att. Michele Tosi

and anticipated, in any case, by email to and/or at the PEC address , or by fax to the number +39 0586 210922.



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