Annual and multi-year allocation

Annual and multi-year allocation without expression of interest


OLT Offshore LNG Toscana, pursuant to Resolution 288/2023/R/Gas approved by ARERA on June 27th, 2023, publishes the criteria for the calculation of the reserve price for the allocation of the continuous regasification capacity, in relation to annual and multi-year allocation process without expression of interest.

The calendar for the next annual and multi-year auctions without expression of interest to be held from  July 15th, 2024 is also published.



Pursuant to Clause of the Regasification Code OLT Offshore LNG Toscana publishes the Continuous Capacity available from the first to the twenty-fifth Gas Year following the one in which the allocation is carried on for the purpose of the annual and multi-year allocation process without expression of interest.

Within July 10th, 2024 each Applicant that meets the Service Conditions shall:

  • sign the capacity commitments in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2.1.7 of the Regasification Code;
  • provide adequate financial guarantees in accordance with the provisions of Clause of the Regasification Code.

In order to participate in the capacity allocation, the Applicant must be eligible to operate on the Regasification Auction Platform (PAR) in accordance with the relevant rules.

The auctions will be held starting from July 15th, 2024; A detailed auction calendar will follow.
