Integrations to the Final Safety Report submitted. The word now goes to the CTR that will have to evaluate them
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana presented to Fire brigade Regional Technical Commitee (“CTR”) all the additions to the Final Safety Report required by the commitee itself aknowledging the International Experts Scientific commission constituted by Regione Toscana requests.
The answers in the integrations fully respond to both the International Experts Scientific Commission clarification requests and what required by CTR.
Among explanation requests are also included the ones concerning the eventual scenario of a terrorist attack to the terminal and the safety measures regarding LNG loading arms used during the phase of GNL transferring to the plant.
In addition further clarifications about the terminal anchorage system behaviour in case of drastic weather and sea conditions were provided, as well as specific techniques and operative procedures of both tug boats and the ward ship, which will assist with a 24 hours service the plant.
As requested a full explanation regarding the operative measures used to avoid the “Roll Over” effect, that is the creation of fumes during the GNL storage phase, was provided.
“Roll over” can happen when the LNG introduced in tanks is much different in density from the LNG already stored. The phenomenon at the present is actually fully studied therefore foresseable and verifiable as happen in every LNG terminal in the world; density, level and temperature checks are scheduled, and in case of long lasting conditions that bring to the phenomenon mentioned above can be considered an alarm, so that anticipative interventions are possible.
Finally, the consequences that an hypotetical accident on the terminal could have on the LNG ship alongside were analyzed in detail and the safety measures to be taken during the phase of becoming operational were fully described.
Further information provided confirm the high safety level of the OLT terminal which has been designed with respect to law, regulations and the best industrial engineering.
Concerning this, the company confirms that following the authorization process pursuant to Law No. 334/99 (implementation of European Directive 96/82/CE), on November 5th, 2003 obtained the Feasibility Permit, which authorized to build the plant. Then OLT presented, as provided for law, before starting the operations, the Final Safety Report to CTR which along with the International Expert Scientific commission established by Regione Toscana, required some clarifications regarding specific issues.
At present OLT is waiting for the integration examination by CTR.
Once the approval is obtained the terminal can be considered authorized to work.
The company, reaffirming its desire to pursue a clear exchange of ideas with the Territory, as soon as the CTR will have completed its assessment will available to illustrate the main points of the final report.