
OLT Offshore LNG Toscana follows a clear process to qualify its suppliers and outsourcers. Company supports the competition among companies focusing on the quality and reliability of suppliers and outsourcers. One of the main requirement of OLT is to share the Company Organization Management and Control Model in accordance to Legislative Decree 231 and the Code of Ethics. Pre-qualification is a key phase of the procurement process.

Company policies provide that all the pre-qualification activities should be completed before choosing the supplier or opening the tender. Once the supplier / outsourcer is confirmed, as during the supply of the service, the contractor’s performances will be monitored and valuated to ensure their compliance with the contract and with company policies.

OLT Offshore LNG Toscana wants to offer to all companies of the territory a real and fair opportunity to offer their supply of goods and services needed for the management of company’s business and Terminal. OLT respects the principles of competitiveness and it shares its objectives concerning workers health and safety safeguard, quality, safety and reliability on company’s performances.