Terminal Plus

LNG quality correction

The Terminal is equipped with a Wobbe Index correction system installed onboard, that enables to receive almost all the LNG produced worldwide and to correct the LNG characteristics to meet the limits required by the Italian gas grid operator.

The support that FSRU Toscana gives to the country’s security of supply has also been confirmed by the receiving, since the beginning of commercial operations, of cargoes from: Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad & Tobago and USA.

LNG reception

Country of origin Cargoes received %
US 10 82%
Russia 1 8%
Angola 1 8%
Reload EU 1 2%
Total* 13
LNG discharged (liq m3) 1,722,367
Gas injected into the grid (Sm3) 1,078,070,220

* including cool-down and gas-up cargo

Country of origin Cargoes received %
US 28 70%
Algeria 5 12%
Egypt 1 3%
Eq. Guinea 1 3%
Nigeria 3 8%
Norway 1 2%
Russia 1 2%
Total 40
LNG discharged (liq m3) 6,114,775
Gas injected into the grid (Sm3) 3,671,519,338
Country of origin Cargoes received %
US 24 62%
Algeria 5 13%
Angola 3 8%
Cameroon 1 3%
Eq. Guinea 1 2%
Norway 3 7%
Qatar 2 5%
Total 39
LNG discharged (liq m3) 6,020,751
Gas injected into the grid (Sm3) 3,623,273,357
Country of origin Cargoes received %
US 6 39%
Algeria 2 13%
Egypt 1 6%
Nigeria 3 18%
Qatar 1 6%
Reload EU 1 6%
Trinidad 2 12%
Total 16
LNG discharged (liq m3) 2,255,137
Gas injected into the grid (Sm3) 1,354,738,542

LNG carriers receivable

Currently, FSRU Toscana is authorised to receive around the 90% of the worldwide LNGc fleet, with a maximum cargo capacity between 65,000 and 180,000 cubic meters (New Panamax class), keeping unchanged the maximum authorized regasification capacity of about 5 billion Sm3 per year.

Before the discharge, every LNG carrier is subject to a technical compatibility process, where all the technical characteristics are assessed. Once the assessment is completed, the ship is added to the list of carriers approved (published on the commercial area of OLT’s website).


OLT Offshore current activities

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